I have been planning to create a body of work depicting people talking on the phone for more than 20 years. I have collected pictures of many people on the phone along the way (mostly family and friends) and recently I created my first one. I am very excited about following up with more.
This painting is of my step-father …… his finger to his temple is a familiar gesture….the suggestion of a map behind him tells just some of the story. He is a worldwide traveler and has a map in his dining room with red pins on all of the places he has visited in his lifetime. Camp 5 refers to an old logging camp at the base of Mt. Rainier where we spent many memorable weekends and summers as children. My “Dadio” built our cabin out of two loggers’ cabins placed together to form a T. The mountain was right outside of our living room window. He was the boss of the independent loggers for a large logging company. He taught us a lot about the forest and we all have great memories from those years. You can read more about the logging industry in the Pacific Northwest in a book he wrote called “Down The Hill” by Roy Stier (contact him personally for a copy at roy@roystier.biz ) “Yes, Let’s Meet at Camp 5” ………I’ll be there for sure!!!!!