Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Painting progress.......coming around the far turn...

I painted for most of the day today......as I did yesterday. I still have some work to do to completely finish it but I am becoming excited to call it done. I sure hope that Ben likes it!!!!! Check on my older posts to see how this painting looked a few weeks ago and also to find out about some up-coming shows that I will be participating in.

Make comments, too.......I love to hear what you are thinking.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Metro Retro Show Opening Sept. 4th!!!!!

I am looking forward to participating in the upcoming "Metro Retro" show at
D Gallery, 3558 Navajo Street, Denver, Co......one block south of Zip, Next, Edge and Pirate Galleries. There will be four artists participating with contemporary - retro inspired paintings. It opens First Friday of September....6 - 9 p.m. Come by and join in on the festivities!!!!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Speedtrap & View from the Museum of Nature and Science

"Speedtrap" is on top.......and can be seen at Baur's Ristorante/15th & Curtis.

"View From the Museum of Nature and Science" shows the lake and distant mountains.
I think I can call it done........I could keep painting but I think I'll consider this painting complete. Sometimes the evolution of a painting takes patience.

I plan to include this piece in a show at Racine's Restaurant, 650 Sherman St., Denver, Colorado. All paintings will be hung the morning of September 5th. It's a great place to eat and drink....I hope you can stop by while my work is being shown. You'll be able to see about eleven pieces until October 31st!

I also have paintings in the dining area beyond the bar of Baur's Ristorante. Baur's is located on Curtis and 15th Street. You can't miss it. The entrance is just below the vertical theatre-district style sign.....B A U R 'S. It's fine dining with a lively atmosphere and fantastic food.

Oops.....I forgot to mention that I have aspen landscape paintings in the dining area of the Whole Foods Store in Centennial Colorado...6853 York Street. They will be there until the end of September.

You can see more of my work at: www.DenverArtists.com/marlenefeinholz, contact me at duzart@comcast.net.